Payment methods for overseas submitters
Cheque drawn on a UK bank
Credit and Debit card. We accept any card displaying the Visa or Mastercard symbols.
Those wishing to pay by Bank Transfer please contact the Secretary of RPSL Ltd. who will supply all account details upon request.
Please ensure we receive the total amount of payment due by informing your bank that ALL charges are for your account. If we incur bank charges on your payment, payment for these will be requested.
Cash sterling, sent at your own risk, is acceptable.
All submissions must be paid for before items are returned. To speed the process, if paying by credit card, please send us your card details either by post or email when items are submitted. If using another method we will invoice you when your items are ready, and then we will send them immediately following your payment.
Credit and Debit Card Payments
Please see the Certificate Application Form
Experts - Charges
14 December 2022
The opinions of the Expert Committee will be charged for by RPSL Ltd on the following scale that will apply to each item submitted for examination.

Collector Fellows and Members of the Royal Philatelic Society London are entitled to a 25% discount from RPSL Ltd on the above charges. In addition, they are entitled to 50% discount on the FIRST TWO items submitted to the Expert Committee each year between the January and December meetings.
Philatelic Trade Fellows and Members are NOT entitled by virtue of membership only to a discount on the above charges. However, a 10% discount on opinion fees is available to those who are members of the Philatelic Traders’ Society and indicate their membership on the certificate application form. In addition, Philatelic Trade Fellows and Members are entitled to a 50% discount on the FIRST TWO items submitted to the Expert Committee each year between the January and December meetings.
Great Britain Departmental Official issues (with overprints): An additional charge of £15 is made for each such item whether submitted subject to standard rate charge or ‘free’.
All British, Commonwealth and Foreign items are accepted and each item must be accompanied by a separate completed ‘Application for Certificate’ form. These forms are available from the secretary, or they can be downloaded here.
Return will be as soon as practical after the meeting. A pro-forma invoice will be sent for fees due other than to regular users of the service. Overseas applicants are encouraged to pay by credit/debit card where possible. Items will be returned by Special Delivery (UK) or International Signed For (overseas) once payment has been received. Please let the secretary know in advance if you wish return to be made by some other method, e.g. courier. Certificate results are not disclosed prior to their return to the submitter.
Every care is taken of items sent for examination, but they are accepted UPON THE EXPRESS CONDITION that the Company is not liable for any loss of or damage to any item submitted, or for the results of opinions expressed, as specified on the Application for Certificate Form. INSURANCE in transit or while in the Committee’s control is not covered by the Company and is the RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER.